Was trying to generate a RSA public key with RSA modulus(n) and RSA public exponent(e).
I have tried to use SCZ-BasicEncodingRules-iOS, but unfortunately SCZ-BasicEncodingRules-iOS
has wrong decoding algorithm for iOS 8 and above. It outputs key with incorrect prefix.
If you faced with the same issue, here is a solution:
Sep 30, 2019 Computes the RSA composite modulus n = (p.q). Based on the generated p and q factors, computes all the other CRT-related RSA components: dP = d mod (p-1), dQ = p mod (q-1) and qInv = 1/q mod p. To generate RSA keys using the RSAGenerateKeys function, call it in the following sequence of steps. Is it possible to calculate the private exponent when only the RSA public key (e;N) = (37; 481) is given? Stack Exchange Network Stack Exchange network consists of 175 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge,. I have a private key components p, q, Dp, Dq, and QInv. I need to calculate the public key modulus and exponent. Modulus was super simple p.q, but exponent I can't figure out. Have searched all the articles and often found how to go opposite way - generating public private key once you pick the exponenet. Sep 30, 2019 To generate RSA keys using the RSAGenerateKeys function, call it in the following sequence of steps: Establish the pseudorandom number generator and prime number generator. Define the RSA private key type 2 in successive calls to the RSAGetSizePrivateKeyType2 and RSAInitPrivateKeyType2 functions with desired values of factorPBitSize.
This algorithm matches with standard Java KeyFactory
generation class.
/guild-wars-2-key-code-generator.html. Base64
encoded modulus and exponent:
Generate the public key (in Swift 3):