There are a number of factory classes to help create & parse objects.

An example of a globally set dependency is the Network; if not explicitly provided in a function call, the globally set default will be used.


How do I generate a private key? How Feb 4, 2019 - Reusing the same Bitcoin wallet address is a big privacy issue.Aug 9, 2018 - A Bitcoin treasure hunt has been organized by two brothers, fans of the is essentially the private key needed to access the wallet where May 21, 2018 - The post is currently one of the trending topics on the Bitcoin subreddit. Dec 09, 2019 PHP library allowing to generate BTC addresses from private keys. BitcoinPHP/BitcoinECDSA.php. Join GitHub today. Generate a random private key. Getting the public key corresponding to a particular private key, through the methods provided for by OpenSSL, is a bit cumbersome. An easier way to do it is to use phpseclib, a pure PHP. May 16, 2019  Creating a masterkey and importing this key with the extended private key into Electrum gives other addresses than with this library. And sending coins to. PuTTYgen is an key generator tool for creating SSH keys for PuTTY. It is analogous to the ssh-keygen tool used in some other SSH implementations. The basic function is to create public and private key pairs. PuTTY stores keys in its own format in.ppk files. However, the tool can also convert keys to and from other formats. PHP bitwaspbitcoinkey PrivateKeyFactory - 17 examples found. These are the top rated real world PHP examples of bitwaspbitcoinkeyPrivateKeyFactory extracted from open source projects. You can rate examples to help us improve the quality of examples. How to Generate SSH Public/Private Keys on Windows By Alexandru Andrei – Posted on Sep 17, 2019 Sep 17, 2019 in Windows If you ever managed a Linux server from Windows, you probably used PuTTY or at least heard about it.

Bitcoin::getMath() - Returns a Math instance

Bitcoin::getGenerator() - Returns a GeneratorPoint instance

Bitcoin::getEcAdapter() - Returns an EcAdapterInterface instance

Bitcoin::getNetwork() - Returns the default, or explicitly set NetworkInterface

Bitcoin::setNetwork(NetworkInterface $network) - Sets $network as the default network


BlockFactory::fromHex($data) - Attempts to parse a block from a hex string or Buffer.


BlockHeaderFactory::fromHex() - Parse a header from a hex string or Buffer


Private key factory is an instance, which wraps an EcAdapterInterface (optional constructor arg)

PrivateKeyFactory::fromHexCompressed($hexString) - Parses PrivateKeyInterface from hex stringPrivateKeyFactory::fromHexUncompressed($hexString) - Parses PrivateKeyInterface from hex stringPrivateKeyFactory::fromBufferCompressed($data) - Parses PrivateKeyInterface from a BufferPrivateKeyFactory::fromBufferUncompressed($data) - Parses PrivateKeyInterface from a BufferPrivateKeyFactory::generateCompressed(new Random()) - Generates a new compressed private key using the RNGPrivateKeyFactory::generateUncompressed(new Random()) - Generates a new uncompressed private key using the RNG
PrivateKeyFactory::fromWif($wif) - Parses a base58 encoded private key.


Public key factory is an instance, which wraps an EcAdapterInterface (optional constructor arg)

PublicKeyFactory::fromHex($data) - Parses PublicKeyInterface from hex string or Buffer


HierarchicalKeyFactory is an instance. It can be initialized with a special Base58ExtendedKeySerializerwith knowledge about SLIP132 prefixes to work with zpubs/etc

HierarchicalKeyFactory::fromExtended($extendedKey) - Parses a HierarchicalKey from a base58 encoded string. Takes an optional second parameter, the Network object containing bip32 network prefixes. Set this explicitly, or override the default with Bitcoin::setNetwork()

Go get it ti download. HierarchicalKeyFactory::generateMasterKey($random) - Creates a new master HierarchicalKey. Takes an optional second parameter, the ScriptDataFactory responsible for producing addresses

HierarchicalKeyFactory::fromEntropy(Buffer $entropy) - Creates a master HierarchicalKey from provided entropy. Takes an optional second parameter, the ScriptDataFactory responsible for producing addresses

HierarchicalKeyFactory::multisig($scriptDataFactory, .$extendedKeys) - Creates a multisignature HD account from the HD keys


ScriptFactory::fromHex($data) - Parses ScriptInterface from hex string or Buffer

ScriptFactory::create([$startScript]) - Returns a ScriptCreator instance, used to generate scripts.

ScriptFactory::sequence($sequenceArray) - Generates a script given an array consisting of opcodes and Buffers.

ScriptFactory::scriptPubKey() - Returns an OutputScriptFactory instance, used to safely generate output scripts.

ScriptFactory::p2sh() - Returns an P2shScriptFactory - an OutputScriptFactory augmented to return P2shScript instances.

ScriptFactory::consensus([$flags]) - Returns a ConsensusInterface used to validate bitcoin scripts.

BitWaspBitcoinScriptFactoryScriptCreator instance:

This class is used for raw script generation. It's methods mutate the script, which is obtained bycalling getScript() when complete.

ScriptCreator::sequence() - Adds a list of opcodes and Buffer pushes into the script.

ScriptCreator::op($opName) - Adds opcode $opName to the script

ScriptCreator::int() - Adds an integer value-push into the script

ScriptCreator::push(Buffer $buffer) - Adds a value-push of $buffer into the script

ScriptCreator::concat(ScriptInterface $script) - Concatenates another ScriptInterface to $this

ScriptCreator::pushSerializable(SerializableInterface $serializable) - Adds a value-push of a serializable object into the script

ScriptCreator::pushSerializableArray($serializableArr) - Adds a vector of serialiable objects How do i generate a private key.

ScriptCreator::getScript() - Returns a ScriptInterface of the composed script

BitWaspBitcoinScriptFactoryOutputScriptFactory instance:

Bitwasp Php Generate Private Key In Ec2 Aws

Bitwasp Php Generate Private Key Blockchain

This class is intended contains methods to safely generate commonly used output scripts.

OutputScriptFactory::payToPubKey(PublicKeyInterface $publicKey) - Returns pay-to-pubkey output script for $publicKey.

OutputScriptFactory::payToPubKeyHash(PublicKeyInterface $publicKey) - Returns pay-to-pubkey-hash script for $publicKey

OutputScriptFactory::payToScriptHash(ScriptInterface $p2shScript) - Returns a pay-to-script-hash script for $p2shScript

BitWaspBitcoinScriptFactoryP2shScriptFactory instance:

Returns a P2shScript instance, for the payToPubKey, payToPubKeyHash, and multisig cases.


SignatureFactory::fromHex($data) - Parses a SignatureInterface from a DER signature


TransactionSignatureFactory::fromHex() - Parses a TransactionSignatureInterface given a hex string or Buffer. This is the form with the SigHash byte appended.


Bitwasp Php Generate Private Key File

TransactionFactory::build() - Returns a TxBuilder instance

TransactionFactory::mutate(TransactionInterface $tx) - Returns a TxMutator instance, used to mutate transactions.

Bitwasp Php Generate Private Key For Putty

TransactionFactory::sign(TransactionInterface $tx) - Returns a Signer instance, used to sign transactions.

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